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07 60 40 29 77

Free Podcasts

Since the start of time, man has found solace in music, voices, and the sounds of nature.

Here, I offer you a symphony of all of these.

Each podcast may also help guide you in a specific direction. For maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to listen to the same podcast every day for at least one week.

Remember to subscribe to my Youtube channel if you don't want to miss a single drop of this auditory adventure.

Bon voyage...

To fully enjoy these podcasts it is recommended to listen to them with headphones.

Mindfulness meditations and hypnotic  meditations...mindful eating meditations...

Here, you can take the opportunity to contemplate, progress, and be yourself.

Eating Mindfully requires attention, practice, and presence. When practiced regularly, it can bring well-being, calm, and pleasure.

Here are some introductions to eating mindfully. You will also find self-compassion meditations because mindful eating is also based on self-compassion.

Self-compassion is like fertilizer for a plant. We can live without it, but we will not live as well.

It is an essential component of mindfulness and allows for smoother progress in therapy.

Eating Mindfully is a form of self-compassion.

Enjoy the experience...

As soon as we decide to open ourselves up to change we engage in self-hypnosis.

The paths to change may be varied.

This is why you'll find a variety of self-hypnosis sources here.

Bon voyage...

I hope you will enjoy them. Don't hesitate to comment or "like" if you do. You may keep up to date by subscribing to my Youtube channel.

This is a little glimpse of the work that we may do in private.

Feel free to contact me for more information or to find the path that would suit you best.

Création et référencement du site par Simplébo   |   En partenariat avec le SNH.


Retrouvez Maria Mason sur Resalib : annuaire, référencement et prise de rendez-vous pour les Nutrithérapeutes