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How does this Work?

Maria Mason

Learn to appreciate and savour your favorite desert without guilt

This approach is
Strictly Diet Free

A Few Words
On the Origin of this Course

The Psychologist and Professor of Indiana State University, Dr.Jean Kristeller suffered from binge eating disorder before starting research into food behaviour disorders.

Jean Kristeller, fondatrice de MBEAT

Throughout her years of research for the NIH (National Institute of Health) she discovered the degree to which our body is an amazing resource and the positive effect of mindful meditation on her results.

Over the last 20 years she developed MB-EAT (Mindful Based Eating Awareness Training) and collaborated with Andrea Lieberstein, MPH, RDN, IMTA, CMT-P, author of best-selling "Well Nourished" to spread it throughout the world.

Andrea Lieberstein

She has helped so many people through virtuous circles of listening to their senses, rediscovering their foods, bringing them to make decisions without frustration or stress, to learn to take pleasure in eating...

She then went on to add pertinent information on nutrition and physical activity to the course.

This makes MB-EAT the most complete and researched group proposition for people who are struggling with weight, health and food issues.

How does this Work?

Méditant en Pleine Conscience

By cultivating mindfulness and bringing a quality of presence, curiosity, openness, patience, acceptance, loving kindness and compassion to food behaviour, oneself, the body image and life in general.

The MB-EAT programme comprises 10 sessions, each for 2.5  to 3 hours with 2 follow-up sessions, and it is now available in Europe.

We sometimes lose track of our inner senses (thoughts, feelings, our physical bodies). Rather than dieting we can recreate a new intimate relationship with food and our bodies.

A series of exercises and group exchanges inspire participants to bring changes to their food behaviour at home and then in social settings. Each participant advances at their own pace. The smallest step is acknowledged and recognised.

Emotions are identified and accepted through loving kindness mindful practices. Efficient tools are used to find solutions for the more complex problems.

Each participant is supported non-judgmentally and benefits from audio and written tools.


Dr Jean Kristeller (2011)

Short video in which Dr. Kristeller explains what brought her to do research


Dr Jean Kristeller (2016)

Dr.Kristeller is interviewed on Ustream radio

What may you Learn?

This course leads the way to practicing mindful meditation and eating mindfully and leads to learning to connect to our inner senses, to identify and feel hunger, satiety$, fullness, emotions, thoughts, habits and pleasure

You'll benefit from numerous tools to help you to make new choices

You can continue eating your favourite foods

You'll be encouraged to nurture your relationship with yourself in a caring way

You'll still be the master of all the decisions that concern you personally

You may use our ressources, issued from research projects, to eat better and benefit from physical exercise

The speed at which you advance depends on you. You will be non-judgmentally encouraged to advance at your own pace.

$Food satisfaction

¤In terms of fullness of the stomach

Création et référencement du site par Simplébo   |   En partenariat avec le SNH.


Retrouvez Maria Mason sur Resalib : annuaire, référencement et prise de rendez-vous pour les Nutrithérapeutes