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Personal Data Privacy Policy

Updated : 15 Sep 2022

Personal Data Privacy Policy

What is a Personal Data Privacy Policy?

A Personal Data Privacy Policy informs you of how data is processed and your rights over personal data that concerns you.

This policy is drafted in accordance with law n°78-17 dated 6 janvier 1978 and the European regulations (General Data  Protection Regulations) in force since 25 mai 2018.

Who is concerned by this Personal Data Privacy Policy?

The readers and users of this site: www.maria-mason.com

Who is the Responsible Body of this Policy?

Data Controller


Status :  Individual Enterprise

N° Siret : 524 102 407 00037

Address : 13, rue du Hameau – 26230 Chantemerle Lès Grignan - France

Mail : contact@maria-mason.com

Tél : 00 33 760402977



The Data Controller created this site with the Simplébo tool and the company GRAPSTOR.

Status : Simplified joint-stock company specializing in IT systems and software consulting (6202A)

Address : 43, boulevard Voltaire - 75011 Paris - France

Siret N° : 79068535800018

Registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number: B 790 685 358
GRAPSTOR manages the site as a subcontractor and complies with GDPR standards

To contact GRAPSTOR, use the CONTACTS section on www.simplebo.com


The Data Controller uses the services of SENDINBLUE for the management of Newsletters and collects consents. SENDINBLUE provides mailing software as a subcontractor.

Status: Simplified joint-stock company specializing in the publishing of application software (5829C)

Address: 55, rue d'Amsterdam - 75008 Paris - France

Siret N°: 49801929800070

Registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number:

B 498 019 298

SENDINBLUE adheres to a  Privacy Policy that complies with European GDPR standards.

To contact SENDINBLUE, use this link

pCloud AG


The Data Controller uses the services of pCLOUD AG for the backup and storage of her computer data.

Address : 74 Zugerstrasse Str, 6340 Baar, Switzerland

Registered by the Swiss Confederation under number: 1197192

pCLOUD AG adheres to a Privacy Policy that complies with European GDPR standards.

To contact pCLOUD AG, use this link


Proton Technologies AG

The Data Controller uses the services of PROTON TECHNOLOGIES AG. PROTON TECHNOLOGIES AG provides secure email software, VPN and calendar for email storage, protection and exchange as a subcontractor.

Status : Limited company specializing in the development of security and privacy software.

Address : Route de la Galaise 32 -1228 Plan-les-Ouates - Geneva - Suisse

Siret N°: 49801929800070

You will find here the Commerce Register of the canton of Geneva

PROTON TECHNOLOGIES AG adheres to a Personal Data Privacy Policy that complies with European GDPR standards.

To contact PROTON TECHNOLOGIES AG, use this link

Who is the Editor ?

Maria MASON, Nutritionist, MB-EAT Qualified Instructor, Counsellor, is the Editor of this site.

To contact Maria MASON, use the CONTACTS section of this site.

Web Host

By Alwaysdata (www.alwaysdata.com), a French Host.
Téléphone +33 (0)1 83 64 13 87
Registered in the Paris Trade and Commerce Register
SIRET N°: 49289349000044
NAF Activity Code: 6311Z
Headquarters: 91 r Faubourg St Honoré, 75008 Paris 08– France.

Data Processing

Nature and Origin of Data Collected

This site collects:

  • First and last names, emails, phone numbers and messages of readers that fill out a contact request form freely.
  • First and last names, emails and enrollment preferences of readers through an explicit request of the reader to be included in newsletter mailings.

Purposes (what will the collected data be used for)?

They serve:

  • to contact you.
  • to send you the newsletter from which you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on "unsubscribe" on the newslatter.

Retention period of collected data

Your data is kept on this site so long as you do not request it's deletion. They will be transported if the domain name or the Sub-contractors change.

Legal groundings (what gives the right to collect this data) ?

  • The presence and accessibility of this Personal Data Privacy Policy.
  • Your consent.

Physical location of collected data

The data that is stored for GRAPSTOR is stored on the server of the French host:

Equinix France - 114, rue Ambroise Croizat - 93200 Saint Denis - France
Téléphone +1.866.378.4649
N°RCS : Bobigny B 429 840 853
SIRET: 42984085300049
NAF Activity Code 6311Z
Headquarters: 114, rue Ambroise Croizat - 93200 Saint Denis - France

The data that is stored for SENDINBLUE is stored on the server of the French Host:

OVH - 2, rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
Contact OVH
N°RCS : Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
SIRET: 42476141900045
APE Activity Code: 2620Z
Headquarters: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

Data that is stored for PROTON TECHNOLOGIES AG is stored on its own highly secure servers in Switzerland:

In Lausanne and Attinghausen.
Contact Proton Technologies AG

Les données qui sont stockées pour pCLOUD AG le sont sur ses propres serveurs hautement sécurisés au Luxembourg.

Data Retention Time

Toutes les données sont conservées dans le carnet de contact clients de Maria Mason tant que vous ne demandez pas leur suppression. Maria Mason se réserve le droit de supprimer ces données si erronées, inintéressantes ou obsolètes de son point de vue.

Les données récoltées pour les Newsletters sont conservées dans la base de données de SENDINBLUE tant qu'elles sont utiles pour l'envoi de Newsletters consentis.

Who has access to your Data?

Maria Mason has access to your data as the Data Controller. She may share names, mails, phone numbers, addresses, information about a client's desires or wishes with Deirdre Kay, her Collaborator for giving Mindful Eating Courses if you decide to join a Mindful Eating Course. No other information will be shared.

How to Delete your Data?

By requesting their deletion through contact@maria-mason.com or by writing a letter to Maria Mason, 13, rue du Hameau, 26230 Chantemerle Lès Grignan - France.


Use of Cookies

Ce site utilise des cookies. Les cookies permettent de récolter des données personnelles pour des fonctions variées : le fonctionnement et sécurité du site, se rappeler de vos visites et préférences de navigation sur le site, vous géolocaliser, récolter les statistiques de trafic… Les cookies peuvent appartenir au webmaster directement ou à des tiers.

This website uses cookies. Cookies make it possible to collect personal data for various functions: the operation and security of the site, to remember your visits and navigation preferences on the site, to geolocate you, to get traffic statistics...Cookies can belong to the Webmaster directly or to third parties.


The law of December 5, 2013 obliges visitors to request consent as soon as they arrive on a site. This is why we ask for your consent as soon as you arrive on this site. You can consult the cookie charter here.

Legal Groundings (what gives the right to use cookies) ?

The consent that you gave when you arrived on the site.

How can I delete my personal data from this site?

You can exercise your right to be forgotten (deletion of your personal data) whenever you want through this form : https://www.simplebo.fr/droit-a-l-oubli

Access to the Site

The Editor undertakes to make this site the most accessible possible 24 h/24, 7j/7 except in cas of a force majeur or an event beyond it's control, subject to maintenance interventions or possible breakdowns of the site and services.

Thus, the Editor cannot guarantee the reliability of the availability of the site at all times or the speed of the response time or the quality.
No technical assistance is provided for the user.

The responsibility of the Editor cannot be engaged in the event of proven technical malfunctions of the site.

The Editor may be required to interrupt the site or part of the services at any time, all without notice or right to any compensation.

The user accepts and acknowledges that the Editorr is not responsible for the interruptions and consequences that may result for the user or third

Modification of the Terms of Use

L’éditeur se réserve la possibilité de modifier, les présentes conditions d’utilisation afin de les adapter aux évolutions du site et/ou de son exploitation, et ce, à tout moment et sans préavis.

Hypertext links

The www.maria-mason.com site may contain hypertext links to other sites on the Internet. These links will cause you to leave the site.

The Editor cannot guarantee the proper functioning of these links and disclaims all liability for the editorial content of these links.

The user accepts and acknowledges that the Editor is not responsible for the consequences that may arise for the user or third parties when browsing and reading the editorial information of the hypertext links on this site.

Icons and Images

All icons and images on this site are copyright free.

Access to Consumer Mediation

Since July 1st 2016, for any consumer dispute between a professional and an individual, free mediation must be provided to the customer. Maria Mason uses the services of a Consumer Mediator that can treat disagreements and disputes.

In the event of a dispute, the customer may file a complaint

on the Mediator’s site : https://cnpm-mediation-consommation.eu

or by post, writing to:

CNPM - MEDIATION - CONSOMMATION - 27 avenue de la libération - 42400 Saint-Chamond - France


A person concerned by the processing of their personal data can contact the CNIL to file a complaint.


In the event of observed abuse, the visitor must contact the company in charge of hosting this site via this form:

Last Name, First Name, Telephone, Email, Signal an abuse, Message...Send

Part of this Personal Data Privacy Policy is adapted from the legal notices of the website, whose copyright holder is www.virginie-caminade.com, and others are
inspired by the work of Elise Guilhaudis, Numetik: https:/ /vimeo.com/eliseguilhaudis


Création et référencement du site par Simplébo   |   En partenariat avec le SNH.


Retrouvez Maria Mason sur Resalib : annuaire, référencement et prise de rendez-vous pour les Nutrithérapeutes