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07 60 40 29 77

What Results may be obtained through the MBEAT Courses?

What do Participants Say?



"This program looks at mindfulness and it’s relationship to food in a thoughtful yet compassionate way. I loved the whole person approach and the opportunity to share and build relationships with others in a safe, nurturing environment."

Julie B., USA


"The course was beyond my expectations. The course provides the tools to understand and improve the relationship with food, become aware of habits, triggers, cravings and become a mindful eater"

NO, Argentine


"Your program has changed my life and my health, one of the best decisions I ever made"

Tracy G, U.S.A

All these testimonials are from participants of the MB-EAT programme that was thought by METI (Mindful Eating Training Institute) who has qualified us and supervises us as MB-EAT Qualified Instructors.

MB-EAT and Research

Here is a short synopsis of the positive effects that have been observed through the MBEAT courses whatever the socio-economic origin of participants :

  • Decrease in binge eating
  • Moderate weight loss in the programme and 3 months afterwards. Studies must still be carried out to analyse the long term benefits of the programme on weight loss. However, food behaviour may lead to weight gain. MB-EAT does not have for objective weight-loss, but incorporating mindful changes in daily life in a sustainable way could be the answer to improved and sustainable management of weight.
  • Promotion of self-regulation of mood and behaviour with increase in the perception of taste, satiety¤, fullness$ and pleasure
  • The programme offers people with diabetes greater choices in meeting their self-management needs and goals, and can effectively complement necessary diabetes education and awareness.
  • Physiological improvements have been noted.
  • Increase pleasure in life generally and, to different degrees, spirituality*, the sense of life, flexibility, self-compassion and tolerance to stress
  • Healthier nutritional choices. MB-EAT could be an efficient prevention tool in private and public sectors.
  • A recent study demonstrated that the tools taught in MB-EAT were responsable for 53 % to affecting emotional eating, 69 % to uncontrolled eating and 14 % to energy dense food consumption. This study demonstrates a higher efficacy for dealing with these affects through well tailored Mindful Eating Courses than Mindfulness alone.

Eventhough MB-EAT has been researched now for 20 years research must go on to answer unanswered questions, study its effects in long term in order to continue improving our methods.

*No spiritual orientation is given in the course

$How full your stomach is

¤In terms of satisfaction

Création et référencement du site par Simplébo   |   En partenariat avec le SNH.


Retrouvez Maria Mason sur Resalib : annuaire, référencement et prise de rendez-vous pour les Nutrithérapeutes